Rachel Young, a National Symphony Orchestra cellist since 1998, brings a deep and diverse musical background to her work, ranging from an avid engagement in chamber music to teaching cello and recording film scores and bluegrass albums. She is a member of the Kari Quartet, the 21st Century Consort, and the cello quartet 4In Correspondence. Prior to joining the Symphony, Ms. Young was principal cellist of the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra. She has performed with many groups, including the Smithsonian Chamber Players, the National Musical Arts Society, the Embassy Series, the Washington Music Ensemble, and the Contemporary Music Forum. She has appeared on WGMS and WGBH radio broadcasts, at the Garth Newel Music Center, the John F. Kennedy Center, and at the White House. Ms. Young has enjoyed solo appearances with the National Philharmonic, the Peabody Symphony Orchestra, and the New England Conservatory Chamber Orchestra. Ms. Young was born and raised in Washington, DC. She earned a bachelor of music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Laurence Lesser, and her master’s degree in cello performance with Stephen Kates at the Peabody Conservatory. She was a fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center and attended the Britten-Pears School for Advanced Musical Studies in England, where she studied with William Pleeth. Young now teaches a small studio of cellists and serves on the board of the Kindler Cello Society.