James Nickel, French horn, has served as third horn with the National Symphony Orchestra since 2008. Previously, he was the assistant principal horn with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and associate principal horn with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. He has also served as guest principal hornist with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra on their European tour in 1998, and performed with the orchestras of Houston, Detroit, Fort Worth, Rhode Island, and the Boston Philharmonic. He can be heard on recordings by the National, Dallas, Detroit, and Montreal symphonies, and also with his horn colleagues from the Dallas and Houston symphonies on their Crystal Records CD Texas Horns. Mr. Nickel has been featured as a soloist with the National Symphony, the Dallas Symphony, the Florida Orchestra, the Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra, and the New England Conservatory Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Nickel has participated in the Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival in Stellenbosch, South Africa; the Music in the Mountains festival in Durango, CO; the Sun Valley Summer Symphony in Idaho; the National Repertory Orchestra; the Spoleto festival; the American Wind Symphony; the Texas Music Festival; and the Sarasota Music Festival. In addition to performing, Mr. Nickel is on faculty at both Catholic University in Washington, DC, and George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.